Wednesday, November 23


With each passing day the blessings only seem to continue to grow.
 Here’s is a very short list of some things I am so very thankful for this year.

   Family- the ones that have been there since day one and will be there until the end.

     Roommates- they are my building blocks and support system.

    Home- having a home that I know I can always turn to.

Graduation/ Education- This goes deep, but just having the opportunity to attend 
a wonderful school like the University of Minnesota is amazing.

  The past- everything only continues to make me stronger.

   Happiness. Even my bad days aren’t so bad when I step outside of my own shoes.

 The beautiful weather we’ve been so lucky to have.

   Freedom- and the soldiers fighting for it. 

   Having the everyday essentials that so many take for granted.

 Music, it saves the soul.

 Life experiences including mistakes.

 New Zealand.

-there is so much more that I am thankful for and blessed to have, see, think, etc.

May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows. 

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