When you find your wings to leave the nest created by your
parents you can fly anywhere. I flew to the city to create the life I had always
dreamt about. Of course, at 22-years-old I’m not exactly where I want to be but
I’m definitely making steps toward that goal.
From 18-22 I’ve met a lot of people who have filtered in and out of my
life, leaving footprints and scars on my heart. Some of the most significant relationships
I’ve formed are with the 5 girls I lived with in college, the family I choose
for myself.
For the past two years I have spent so much time with these
five girls. We’ve been through it all together- first dates, drunken cries,
‘I’m feeling fat’ days, failing grades, one night stands, heart break, first
day of class, hangover hell, graduation; everything. There hasn’t been an event in my life that I
haven’t shared with them and vice versa. Six completely different girls,
different goals, different dreams, different personalities all together under
one room forming a bond I would never want to replace.
As we prepare to move out of our ‘home’ I cannot help but be
over whelmed with emotions. This house knows our deepest secrets, our happiest
moments and the lowest of the lows. Leaving it behind feels like I’m losing a
piece of myself.
We thought that graduation was the ‘next chapter’ in life,
but honestly, I think this represent the next chapter. It’s time to grow up,
move to our trendy little apartments in a more ‘sophisticated’ area of the city
and continue on with our lives.
Of course, just because we are moving apart doesn’t mean our
friendship is over. We will just be across the bridge from each other. Still,
our friendship will differ for the better and worse. I won’t be able to come
home and have all of my best friends in such an easy reach. I won’t have Hallie
around to entertain me and do dumb stuff with that everyone else would think is
stupid. When I’m sad and blue I won’t be able to knock on the wall and have Ash
answer. There won’t be anymore movie nights in Kelli’s silk sheet dungeon. I
won’t be able to watch Shelby grow and learn how to cook for herself ;) No,
there are tons of little things that just won’t be the same when we move
I’ll miss the late night talks, the bumming on the couch.
I’ll miss always having someone around. I’ll miss our front porch where we sit
and watch the randoms on como ave wandering around or just contemplate our
existence. I’ll miss the noisy neigbs to the back (just kidding). I’ll miss our
huge house parties that always seemed to last the entire weekend. I’ll miss my
quaint little bedroom, nestled in the back corner. I’ll miss cooking breakfast
and always having a house full of people. I’ll miss the drink stained walls and
the fluffy new carpet. I’ll miss dancing on the table and chairs and singing
out hearts out to “Season of Love”. I’ll miss all the smiles, laughs and
memories that were made in this house. As things change, one thing I know for
certain, these girls will always hold a part of me, a piece of my heart that
can never be taken back. I would fly to the moon and back for them. I know that
no matter where our new lives will take us, I will always only be a phone call
Moving away from my college home definitely means growing up
and maybe it means that the healing can really begin. As sad as I am to leave
1526, I’m excited to begin a new chapter, grow up a little bit and make a new
home where a bunch of new memories can be made, with walls that can hold a
bunch of new secrets and rooms that can be the start of a bunch of new
memories. <3
Hallie, Kelli, Ashley, Devon and Shelby- I love you girls.
Thank you for the wonderful two years. xo
Some of my favorite memories of our house :)