Tuesday, November 29

VS Fashion Show.

Not that I don’t appreciate a great body now and then.
But last night as I was watching the Victoria Secret Fashion Show,
I couldn’t help but notice how Twitter, Facebook, and even my own mind
was obsessing over the models bodies.
Sure they are stunning women,
but is that really what we are defining as beauty these days?
Their legs and arms hardly existed,
not to mention they had the rib cage of a malnourished fifteen-year-old.
I hope that women watching that show do not think that
that is what they need to look like to feel beautiful.

Living with 6 girls is sometimes, for the lack of a better world, chaotic.
Let’s face it that is a lot of hormones running through one small building.
Recently, with close friend eating issues,
one thing that’s been running through I think almost all of our minds
is weight and body image.
You would think that as seniors in college we would all be over that
and comfortable in our own skin.
Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I’m not sure who is to blame for this;
the media, Hollywood, the fashion industry, our peers, ourselves?
It’s a never-ending question,
but who decided that looking like air was beautiful?

Monday, November 28

Stress Break.

Today was brutal, to say the least.
Up and at 'em by 8 am. Monday's are usually my sleep in days. : (
I reported to campus and stayed there until 7 pm. Blah.
So much homework, projects, papers due this week.
Crunch Time.
Luckily, Kelli and I were able to have a nice break from homework and reminisced.
We watched our old VHS tapes from our Dance Recitals together,
dating back to 1997!
We were such little peanuts.
I enjoyed it very much.
Now back to studying, pulling an all night-er.
I can do this.

-Circa 1997 & 1998-

Sunday, November 27


I was so happy to get the chance to hang out with my Mom all weekend. 
I really missed my family. 
My nieces and all their energy & personality. 
And my nephews with their smiles & laughs that light up the room. 
My dad and his big bear hugs.
And everyone else in my family that I was blessed with seeing this weekend.
Being at home grounds me and gives me a chance to escape 
all the noise and confusion that crowds my life in Minneapolis. 
I love seeing old friends from over the years as well as making new friends.

Because of a series of unfortunate/fortunate events 
(however you want to look at it)
 I’ve had to refocus on what it means to be “Brittany.” 
The best place to go to re-discover who I am, was obviously going home.

As mentioned in a previous post,
 I got to spend the weekend with my two dear friends Danielle and Marcus. 
Marcus was home for the weekend from Georgia where he recently graduated from ranger school.
Again, so proud of you!!
 I was ecstatic to see them but with seeing them brought hard news as well. 
It’s never fun to hear of a friend that will soon be off to risk his life
 for the freedom we as Americans enjoy without second thought, more on that later.

The holiday weekend at home reminded me about myself and who I am. 
It was some of the happiest days I’ve had in the past month or so. 
I’m excited to see how long I can hold out this bliss.

I’ve got nothing to do today but smile :) 

I wish that quote were completely true. 
Two and a half more weeks of stress to press on until the next break and home vacation.
 I cannot wait. 
See you soon, December.  

Friday, November 25

Black Friday.

Black Friday.

Although I know that it is not a holiday, 
Black Friday is one of my favorite days of the year.
 Not so much because of the great deals, 
but because I love running around stores in the middle of the night 
with my wolf pack. 
The people-watching scene is not bad either.

This year I was very upset to find that stores were opening at Midnight. 
Hated it actually. 
But needless to say, I found myself contributing to the chaos nonetheless.

I was also very excited because Marcus is back after graduating from ranger school in Georgia. 

Favorite Memory from this year- Two guys standing by the cop car outside Walmart
"Sir, your friend was walking around Walmart with an open beer that is not legal......."

Xo Happy Shopping : ) 

Thursday, November 24


I really love coming home.
Especially when it's to this cute face...

Few things make me smile more :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23


With each passing day the blessings only seem to continue to grow.
 Here’s is a very short list of some things I am so very thankful for this year.

   Family- the ones that have been there since day one and will be there until the end.

     Roommates- they are my building blocks and support system.

    Home- having a home that I know I can always turn to.

Graduation/ Education- This goes deep, but just having the opportunity to attend 
a wonderful school like the University of Minnesota is amazing.

  The past- everything only continues to make me stronger.

   Happiness. Even my bad days aren’t so bad when I step outside of my own shoes.

 The beautiful weather we’ve been so lucky to have.

   Freedom- and the soldiers fighting for it. 

   Having the everyday essentials that so many take for granted.

 Music, it saves the soul.

 Life experiences including mistakes.

 New Zealand.

-there is so much more that I am thankful for and blessed to have, see, think, etc.

May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows. 

Tuesday, November 22

Random Thought- Decades.

I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it, I was born in the wrong decade.
 Aside from the love/hate relationship I have with technology
 I really believe I was meant to be at some other time. 
This reoccurring thought always stimulates when I’m studying American History. 
Leanring about the 1960s  and 1970s just fascinates me.  
The music, the fashion, the dance, the art, the pop culture, everything!
 I love it. 
I cannot get enough. 
There is supposed to be an awesome 1968 Exhibit at the Minnesota History Center, 
I cannot wait to go.

Random Thoughts = <3 xo