Friday, November 18

Another Celebration.

Let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends <3
Tonight we had another birthday celebration.
Hallie has her 22nd birthday on Monday so the girls went out in her honor.
Another friend turning 22 only reminds me how fast time flies.
It seems like we were just here celebrating her 21st.
One year. 365 days. 525,600 minutes.
Crazy what can happen in a year.
Some bad, mostly good, but all things changing.
One thing that will never change is the love and devotion I have for my friends & family.
The relationships I build are the most important aspects of my life.
I work hard at keeping and maintaing the ones that prove to be worth it.
I hope you have the happiest of all days on Monday, Halbear.
Can't wait to see where the next year takes us.
Love you! xox

365 days ago.

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