There’s really no easy way to let someone down.
We’ve all been let down.
And we’ve all let someone down.
It never gets easier no matter how many times we play either
When dating in your 20s you are bound to come across a lot
of duds.
I don’t mean dud as in they aren’t interesting; but rather
they just aren’t for you.
This scenario all too often and frequent:
The date wasn’t bad.
He’s a perfectly fine person.
He’s cute, funny and nice.
I just don’t like him.
Perhaps for the next couple weeks or months we will continue
to talk.
Exchange a few texts here and there.
Maybe even go on some more spark-less dates.
But why do we waste so much time on this person when we know
it’s not there?
Soon we will begin to obsess over why?
Why don’t we like him?
Why not give him more chances?
Why not just keep texting him?
Why, why, why?
I don’t want to hurt his feelings.
He hasn’t done anything wrong.
I like him as a person, just not as dating material.
Sometimes we need to not be afraid to hurt someone’s
feelings if it’s making us unhappy.
Our time is too short and limited to waste on sparks and
relationships we know aren’t there.
Don’t waste his time or your time.
Somewhere out there there’s someone who will find this
perfectly fine guy great.
It’s just not you, and that’s okay.
End the bad before it starts so you have more time for the
sparks that fly. <3