Saturday, December 31

525,600 minutes.

Wow. 2011 is here and gone! I cannot believe how fast timeis flying by. It seems but just a few days ago that I was bringing in 2011, itsamazing what a minute can do. I thought it would be appropriate for me to takesome time, reflect, and look back on this past year. All the ups and downs,laughs and tears, smiles and frowns, and consider myself to be unbelievableblessed and thankful for the over-all amazing year I have just lived.
Let’scelebrate remember a year in the life of friends.. :)

January: I started off the new year of 2011 with myroommates and boyfriend. We had an amazing night, but it was always abittersweet beginning. At this point in my life I was preparing to take thebiggest leap I have ever taken and I was beyond scared. I remember the bigblizzards we got around the time school was starting back up. One of myfavorites things about January was learning to snowboard and also playing stayat home mom for my roommates and Jake.

February: THE MONTH THAT CHANGED MY ENTIRE LIFE! Februarymarked the time that I left my safe and comfortable home in Minneapolis andtravelled more than 10,000 miles across the globe to New Zealand. February 9thI will always remember as one of the most painful days of my life, neverwanting to let go of anyone, or have to say goodbye. This was also the monththat I felt the most vulnerable to everyone and everything. I also met some ofthe most amazing people in the world. Ibegan the most incredible adventure I have been on thus far in my life- doingthings I have never done before. Skydiving, white water rafting, cave diving,oh and of course living in another country.

March: I continued with the ups and downs of being abroadwhile attempting to maintain a long distance relationship. March was hands downthe month that really made this roller coaster go on some dips. Eventually I gotthrough everything with a lot of help, support, and love from those who areclosest to me. Some memorable March moments include- The biggest party inDunedin; Hyde Street, Hokitika Wild Foods Festival, standing at the edge of thecontinent and yelling good morning to my loved ones back home, and discoveringmore about the beautiful country of New Zealand. After a hurricane comes arainbow. :)

April: One of the most defining moments of my life happenedthis past April. While I was climbing Mt. Cook- which, if you’ve read my NZblog you know was the most physically, emotionally, and mentally challenge Ihave ever faced, I realized that my ‘problems’ were not really that bad.Everything was going to be all right and I decided to do my best to alwaysremain positive and happy. I will never forget that feeling of awe as I sat on topof one of the highest points in New Zealand and watched the sun rise and peakit’s beautiful rays around the tip of the mountain. The love and bondingexperience I had with Kathleen only continued to grow & I will forever bethankful for her as a flat mate and best friend. April was also the month that we began our 10day road trip around the south island in New Zealand. The things that I did andsaw during the month of April was more than some see in their lifetime. It wasalso the month that helped shape and determine in my mind the kind of person Iwanted to be and the types of things I wanted to get out of life.
–They willsee us waving from such great heights, come down now, but we’ll stay.-

May: The month of May pretty much consisted of soaking up asmuch time with my New Zealand friends as I could. It was the last full month ofmy time in New Zealand, which was completely bittersweet. I spent a lot of timein the Botanical Gardens in Dunedin, thinking and analyzing every little thing.Another eventful moment was the “rapture” of 2011. Thank goodness we allsurvived that…

June: The month that perhaps evoked the most emotions of myyear. This month consisted of my departure from New Zealand, my arrival back toAmerica, a trip to Vegas, my twenty-first birthday and whirlwind of homesickness for a place that no longer existed. Although I never thought it wouldbe true, I had a major case of reverse culture shock upon my return back toMinnesota/Minneapolis. It felt like everything was different, yet the same. Ittook me a long time (and I’m still working on this) that things have changedand nothing will ever be the same again. It was a time that I definitely learned that the grass is always greener.

July: I celebrated the fourth of July with a spectacular fireworks show over the stone arch bridge and the Mississippi near downtownMinneapolis with my best friend. My other favorite parts about July were my DMBChicago Caravan trip and the endless summer beach days & bike rides with myfriends. Dave was especially memorable because I was on the rail two of thethree nights and managed to snag the set list from my favorite band member,Fonz. I also witnessed some of the greatest performances I have seen. July wasespecially awesome because I spent numerous hours at the beach, riding bikearound Minneapolis, and just lying around with the person I had missed the mostwhile I was gone. Simple memories of these summer days will always stay withme, no matter which way life takes me.

August: In August I continued living the summer dream, witha few trips to cabins- northern Wisconsin & northern Minnesota. My anual Sistercation with my sister Marie took place, followed by weeks of extremebonding with my roommates and best friends in Minneapolis. I also beganteaching at South Metro Dance Academy and found a second home with that studio.I am so thankful for that job and am so happy with it!

September: I began my SENIOR year of College at theUniversity of Minnesota, Twin Cities. It’s amazing how fast four years flew by;I still cannot believe that I will be graduating this May. I feel like I ammuch to young to be doing so. September included tailgating our beloved GoldenGophers, lots of schoolwork, and experimenting my loves for writing andphotography.

October: The month of frightfulness. I launched October 2011by taking part in the huge Minneapolis/St. Paul Zombie Pub Crawl. It was somuch fun to see all these people literally taking over the streets, and playingup the part of dead zombies. The rest of the month was filled with arollercoaster of extreme highs and extreme lows and eventually ending with thefabulous weekend of Halloween Weekend. My roommates and I dressed up aspeacocks and for the second consecutive year won “most adorable, awesome,creative costume.” Go hens! xo

November: November was definitely the month of friends thisyear. I clung to my girls like none other and realized (as if I didn’t knowbefore) how blessed I am to have the close girl friends that I have. It wasbirthday month with a lot of my closest friends leaving me and turning to thedark side aka 22. There was abittersweet end to the tailgating as we said goodbye to our football season.And of course, a much-needed weekend spent at home with my wonderful family forThanksgiving. It’s always great to head south and spend time at home. Don’tforget your roots!

December: When I think back over the past month, the firstthing that comes to my mind is how I am so not mad about the lack of snow thatMinnesota has gotten. In fact, I love it and could definitely get used to 40degrees all winter long. The Christmas season came and went and I once againfound myself surrounded by the extreme love of my friends and family. Thesemester ended meaning I have just one left to go. Crazy. The year is endingdefinitely not how I thought it would, not how I imagined at all, but that’s howit goes. There is a lot of noise and confusion in life but I am trying my bestto
keep calm and peace in my soul.

My goal is to make 2012 an even better and more amazing yearthan 2011. Keeping dreams big and alive, keeping worries and stress to a minimum.
And never stop smiling becauselife itself is just simply that beautiful.
Looking back on 2011 I am remindedjust how fortunate and blessed I truly am. Like I’ve said before, there aregood days and bad, but looking back the bad are never quite so bad. There arepeople who have it so much worse. I hope that everyone can look back on theiryear and find that the good times out weigh the bad and can find love andbeauty with every minute. I wish everyone a joyous, fun, loving, and happy 2012. May the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows. I challengeeveryone to make each year that we are blessed with better than the last.. This is your life take control and make it the life you want to live! In the words of Dave Matthews;

Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet forcertain!

Happy New Year!!
Bring it on 2012.